Wednesday, November 28, 2012

SAISA Volleyball

SAISA Volleyball my Senior Year was fantastic. As a team we got third place and we continued throughout the tournament to challenge the other teams and push ourselves as individuals and a team to our limits. The photos are courtesy of the Lincoln School Yearbook Group.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Recently our group went to the hospital, instead of interacting with the children we cleaned the main playroom for the kids. Some people complained about how they signed up to work with the kids, which I think is a good reason to join the group, and they didn't want to clean. This made me think though, even if we aren't brightening the children's lives through interaction, do we still have the obligation to attempt to improve their lives through smaller actions? In my opinion, we do, as we made a commitment and we need to work collaboratively to bring about a better world as the next generation. This is why I have no problem with cleaning for the children, as simply dusting and sorting and helping through those types of things can help slightly. This is my personal belief and one reason why I feel good about my continual commitment and collaborative work with Hope for Kids.