Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hope for Kids Banner

For the past couple of weeks in Hope for Kids when the kids are allowed out of the ward we have been working on a banner for Hope for Kids. One of the initial difficulties is that we let someone spray paint the title “Hope for Kids” on it, along with the sun symbol, which turned out much more blurry and unprofessional looking. This was solved later on by Emilie and myself collaboratively spending an hour going over the title and sun with fabric paint. We both thought we did a pretty good job, until we saw the amazing art that the children had created. Several of the kids had done elegant flowers and butterflies, and one kid did a house with a palm tree next to it. The piece of art that impressed me the most by far was the lion Simba that a young boy called Kavinda painted. It was incredibly realistic and impressive. The next visit we had Kavinda asked us to help him because it was his mother’s birthday that day. Not only did he make a heartfelt card with pieces of folded up 3D paper, he asked each one of us to sing happy birthday to her before we left. While I am completely tone-deaf and cannot sing, as a group we did so anyway. The mother’s happiness and how she hugged Kavinda made my tone-deafness irrelevant.

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